Fish and Cherries Productions

Creative content from a mad mind.


Returning to Active Duty (And Other Announcements)

So I’ve returned from my Italy trip with plenty of new footage for an upcoming video. What is it? Well, you’re just going to have to wait and see. On that note, I’ve got two announcements about the videos on the site. Firstly, Ronin’s Rants is back up and running after a week recovering from jetlag. I can’t say when the next video is going to be up, though, because I’m going the Wisconsin for my cousin’s wedding. As much as I love doing these videos, family time always takes precedence.

The second is regarding the Mass Effect Let’s Play. Since they’re a lot easier to come out with and since I don’t want to flood the front page with constant Mass Effect videos, I’m going to be posting the Let’s Play episodes in bulk. You can still find the individual videos on the Videos page, but on the main thread, one post will encompass multiple Mass Effect videos. Case in point.

Mass Effect 3 – Episode 12: Hold On, We Need To Calibrate The Title
Mass Effect 3 – Episode 13: Catharsis

Till next time, fellow travelers.

Posted under Announcements, Let's Plays

CEC the Ronin Plays Mass Effect 3 – Episode 5: Shepard, M.D.

I’m back, baby!

Our series takes a somber turn as an injured Ashley is rushed to the hub of galactic civilization itself! Old friends, new faces, and the premiere of Jersey Shore: Life on the Citadel.

Posted under Let's Plays

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