Fish and Cherries Productions

Creative content from a mad mind.

Archive for November, 2012


V-log – Skyfall

Ronin. Cec the Ronin. Licensed to kill bad media. Which this is not.

Posted under V-logs

Recent Complications

So some of you may have noticed that my updates have been sparse as of late. There are a few reasons for this. First off, my official job is political, so the entire time leading up to the election was very busy. Now that it’s over with, I can get back to work… or I would if it weren’t for the second problem: I lost a piece of my new microphone in Italy. The new part’s on it’s way, but I don’t feel comfortable recording Ronin’s Rants without it because the acoustics are somewhat lacking. Thirdly, Thanksgiving’s almost here, which means I’ll be spending a lot of family time next week. So I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I’ll be a bit before the next Ronin’s Rants. Will you guys be okay with Mass Effect in the meantime?

Posted under Announcements

V-log – Paranormal Activity 4

And the radio said, “No Ronin, you are the demons.” And then Ronin became a zombie.

Posted under V-logs

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