Fish and Cherries Productions

Creative content from a mad mind.


Ice Cold

While you’re all massaging your empty wallets after all the great Black Friday deals, here’s some thoughts that don’t cost a thing. Granted, this conversation is over a month old, but I still believe it’s important to keep people informed of events in the geek world. You know, to give you all a break from politics in your newsfeed.

Ice Cold

Posted under Musings

The White Filmmakers Green-Book

I’ve been sitting on this one for almost a month, trying to get it just right. It’s a sensitive topic, but one that I have a lot of opinions on. Granted, I’m not the only one and this probably would have been a lot more relevant had this come out right after the Oscars, but given how sensitive the topic is, I wanted to do my best to present my arguments in the best way possible. So without further ado, let’s look at why the Oscars are stupid about race.

The White Filmmaker’s Green-Book

Posted under Musings

Ronin’s Top 13 Best Movies of 2018

Woo-hoo! Beat the Oscars to the punch this year. Of course, I’m not a qualified Oscar-teer or whatever you call them, but that’s okay because I’ve got my own system of rating movies. So without further ado, let’s start the countdown!

Ronin’s Top 13 Best Movies of 2018

Posted under Musings

Ronin’s Top 10 Worst Movies of 2018

Ahh, the end of the year. A time of reflection and and letting out everything you need to before starting the year fresh. And as always, it’s not a New Year until I can get out the last of my anger and annoyance at the worst films of the year. Please, oh please, won’t you count down with me?

Ronin’s Top 10 Worst Movies of 2018

Time to hack these Snippets into angry origami.
Posted under Musings, Reel Snippets

Ronin’s Top 13 Best Movies of 2017

Man, this took way longer than I thought. Still, I hope the wait wasn’t too bad for y’all and you enjoy this list. All right, time to dive into 2018.

Ronin’s Top 13 Best Movies of 2017

Posted under Musings

Ronin’s Top 10 Worst Movies of 2017

Here it is, a whopping ten days after the new year. And hey, it’s a nice round number for a change! While I’m sure Boss Baby or Valerian would have made my list had I seen them, I’m working with what I got and I want to get to the best list before the month’s out. Without further ado, let’s count down from the worst to the… uuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhh…

Ronin’s Top 10 Worst Movies of 2017

Posted under Musings

Musings of 10-23-17

My Reel Snippets have been put on hold because of work and health (also… I haven’t finished it), so instead, let’s look at a Musing I just did about a movie I reviewed that needed some extra explanation.

Mother! May I?

Posted under Musings

Ronin’s Top 13 Best Movies of 2016

I’m not letting the Oscars beat me this year. I’ve been thorough in trying to chase down movies of yesteryear that might slip through the cracks, but now I think I’ve come up with a list that I can be proud of. Now join me in counting down…

Ronin’s Top 13 Best Movies of 2016

Posted under Musings

Ronin’s Top 13 Worst Movies of 2016

Here it is, everyone. My yearly cleansing. This job isn’t always easy or pleasant, but I’m still glad I get to do it in a way. I just hope that my words will strike a chord with someone who will go on to make a difference in the world of film. Without any further ado, here’s my worst of the year list. Goodbye, 2016. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Ronin’s Top 13 Worst Movies of 2016

Posted under Musings

Pokemon: The Man Behind The Monsters

In lieu of an On My Mind this week, I’ve written an article about the creator of Pokemon, who is relatively obscure given that he launched a worldwide phenomenon. So come and learn about Satoshi Tajiri and how he changed the lives of many.

Pokemon: The Man Behind The Monsters


Posted under Musings

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