Archive for September, 2015
Yes, as you may have guessed, my trip to Mars that I mentioned yesterday was preparing me for my viewing of The Martian this weekend. What can I say? I’m a stickler for accuracy. The flight wasn’t… too bad. I mean, sure, I was stuck on a rocket for about a month and the food was recycled paste, but at least I had wifi and cable. Good thing too, because I’d hate to miss Minority Report (which all of you should be watching, by the way). Tomorrow, the Road to Genysis continues with the movie that allegedly started the downhill trend. It has a 6.4 rating on IMDB, but that doesn’t mean much considering that this site rates The Last Airbender as a 4.3. Ugh… still trying to repress those memories. Anyway, I’ll leave you to your day and I’ll tell you more about Mars next week.
Posted under Announcements
Ronin Reads – The Cinder Spires: The Aeronaut’s Windlass
Here it is, folks. The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Gander upon the release day review of Jim Butcher’s newest opus, The Cinder Spires!
The Cinder Spires: The Aeronaut’s Windlass
Posted under Ronin ReadsSep-29-2015
Reel Snippets of 9-28-15
Well, this is awkward. I seem to have found myself on Mars in preparation for next week’s Reel Snippet and found out the hard way that there’s a delay when sending a signal to Earth. Nuts. So yeah, that’s why the Reel Snippets are a day late. Well, better late than never. Enjoy a combination of heavy and light, sweet and salty, idealism and cynicism.
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
Oh yeah… and keep watching the skies later today.
Posted under Reel SnippetsSep-26-2015
Scribbles of 9-25-15
Sorry for the late posts. There were things that needed taking care of. Anyway, here’s this week’s Scribbles.
Empathy for a doomed man
What is your favorite month of the year? Why is it so special? Describe it with all five senses.
When is it okay not to listen to the words?
Classic Snippets of 9-24-15
Apparently, this week in film reviews is showing how f***ed up we can be as people. I present to you the Korean masterpiece, Oldboy.
Posted under Reel Snippets
Reel Snippets of 9-21-15
Talk about a man I would never want over for dinner and drinks. Today’s special guest: Johnny Depp as The Scariest Son of a Bitch Who Ever Lived.
Posted under Reel Snippets
Doctor Who Podcast
Can’t get enough Doctor Who? Come take a listen to our three-part podcast, discussing where we’ve been, what we’ve just left behind, and where we’re going on the adventures through time and space with the good Doctor.
Tonights Players:
Colin Eldred-Cohen
Tim Lindvall II
Bradley Monajjemi
Title Card by Andy Reyes
Posted under PodcastSep-18-2015
Scribbles of 9-18-15
It’s the time again. Time to close out the week with my Scribbles. The theme this week seems to be introspection to varying degrees of heaviness. Enjoy.
Describe dying – no metaphors allowed
Describe patience in concrete sensory detail
Books of movies?
Classic Snippets of 9-17-15
Yeah, it’s a classic, all right. A classic blunder… Eugh…
Posted under Reel Snippets