Scribbles of 10-30-15
When visiting Cuba, a strange event occurs…
Designing a haunted house
Making a monster
When visiting Cuba, a strange event occurs…
Designing a haunted house
Making a monster
And let’s not forget that it’s the last Thursday of the month. So for today’s Ronin Reads, let’s take a look at a Star Wars book that spun off from a recent TV series. A spin-off of a spin-off, if you will.
Posted under Reel Snippets, Ronin ReadsNow I know that.
And let me tell you right now, it hurts like a beast. Like ALL the beasts. And it’s about that time that you curse the fact that all your work is vision-based. Ain’t we having some fun now?
Posted under AnnouncementsPhotographs shape public opinion
She thought the shields looked like giant nipples
The shine of water
The Cabin in the Woods
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
Star Wars Expanded Universe: The Early Days
But that’s not all. I’m adding a new short story to my fiction section called “The Badlands.” I’ve actually been sitting on this one for a while and I think now’s the best time to release it. After all, I’m working on getting an expansion of it published. Enjoy.
Posted under Announcements, Musings, StoriesSurround
Significant Other Apology
You’ll have to watch the movie to get that one.
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