Fish and Cherries Productions

Creative content from a mad mind.


Reel Snippets of 5-15-17

Wow… it’s been WAY too long. Naturally, I have a lot of catching up to do. But I know what you’ve all really been waiting for…

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Oh, and here are the films I’ve been sitting on for a while. Now that I’ve got a bit of a rhythm with my job, I’m hoping to be more consistent with my releases.

The Circle
Jesus, Bro!
Power Rangers

Posted under Reel Snippets

Reel Snippets – Noah

Noah took me by complete surprise and wound up being better and more engaging than I was expecting, though not without its problems. I dare say that it’s one of the better biblical films to come out in modern cinema. This comes from the fact that, rather than shoving faith or biases down people’s throats like other films, this takes advantage of its biblical roots and makes the setting truly epic. The miracles are awe-inspiring, the wrath of God (referred to in the movie only as “The Creator”) is terrifying, and it even draws on its Old Testament roots by having fallen angels wander the earth in the form of rock monsters and small forms of what I can only be described as magic happening every day. Actually, as a bible movie, it actually comes off as very subversive, as a narration about the creation of everything in six days is juxtaposed against the Big Bang and the scientific formation of the Earth and landmasses with a huge implication that evolution actually happened. But the biggest shocker is when this movie turns around in the third act and takes an outright swipe at blind faith and claiming to follow the message of God when you don’t understand the true message! (Gee, that sound familiar, doesn’t it?) Like I said, though, it has its share of faults too. The movie has a bit of heavy-handedness by having all the wicked ones eat meat, some of the dialogue can be stilted coupled with some melodramatic acting, certain plot points can be predicted a mile away, the women in the film don’t get a lot of agency, and there are some standard plot holes that come with most early bible stories present (if Adam and Eve only had sons, who did they marry and where did they come from). It’s for these reasons that I don’t know if I see this becoming a biblical classic for the ages like Ben-Hur or even Monty Python’s Life of Brian, but I can definitely say that it’s worth watching. It definitely doesn’t deserve to be brushed aside for just being a Bible film and I would actually recommend it to religious and non-religious equally. And if you find yourself getting offended by this movie, then I would suggest that you take a step back and make sure you’re really understanding the plan.

Posted under Reel Snippets

Reel Snippets – This Is The End

This Is The End is a movie that really shouldn’t have worked, yet had me doubled over laughing for the entire film. The idea of a bunch of Hollywood actors playing exaggerated versions of themselves as a band of survivors in the Biblical Apocalypse sounds like something that should fall flat on its face, but it surprisingly carries the whole way through, in part because the actors look like they’re having a ball making it. To say more would risk spoiling some hilarious scenes, so I’ll give you some brief non-spoiler comedic highlights: Jonah Hill’s shtick as the nicest guy in the world, Jason Siegel lampooning his own role on How I Met Your Mother, Michael Cera as an unapologetic sex and cocaine addict, anything that Craig Robinson does, the fake trailer for Pineapple Express 2, and EVERYTHING involving Emma Watson. So if you’re into getting some unapologetically raunchy and ridiculous comedy with a surprising amount of heart, catch it in theaters while you can. That said, approach with caution if you’re allergic to the Backstreet Boys because you’ll have that stuck in your head after you’re done.

Posted under Reel Snippets

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