Fish and Cherries Productions

Creative content from a mad mind.

Archive for December, 2015


A Christmas Wish

Let’s take a moment to talk about Santa Claus. Kris Kringle. Para Noel. Jolly Old Saint Nick.

Most of us grew up with stories of the man and promises of him delivering our heart’s desires on Christmas day. As we got older, we naturally had less fanciful Christmas ideas and only kept the tradition alive for our kids. Now I’m going to ask something a little odd of you. I’d like you to keep the tradition alive in a different way. I’d like you to become someone’s Santa Claus.

Now I don’t mean getting them expensive gifts or anything as literal as that. I mean I’d like you to help make someone’s day. It could be a small thing like taking them to the park and enjoying the moment or a large thing like feeding a family that doesn’t make a lot of money. Because quite frankly, we live in some bleak times. Refugees are being turned away from places, bigoted madmen are the frontrunners for the Republican Presidential Nominees, Islamophobia is on the rise, people of the LGBT are being kicked out of their homes, it’s a mess all around. There’s a lot of fear in the nation right now. But if you take up the mantle of Santa Claus for one day or a few and find some way to give hope to some people around you… then this holiday might be a little happier.

Merry Christmas.

Posted under Announcements

Weekly Update of 12-23-15

Christmas is two days away and I couldn’t be more excited. Of course, with that comes a hitch. I’m going out of town for the holidays to a place with no Internet, making posts all but impossible. Well, except for one Christmas post that I’m leaving in capable hands. But yeah, I’m holding off on this week’s Classic Snippet and Scribbles, but as always, I’ll be back next week. Until then, enjoy your holidays. I know I will.

Merry Christmas Tree Wallpaper

Posted under Announcements

Reel Snippets of 12-21-15

Of all the movies coming out this year, could this be the movie that everyone was waiting for? Do Ewoks throw awesome tree parties?

Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens


Posted under Reel Snippets

Scribbles of 12-18-15… and more

Happy first day of Star Wars, everyone! Oh yeah, and it’s a week until Christmas, so that’s fun too. Wish I could say I had some Star Wars Scribbles for you today, but let’s have some winter themed ones instead. One talks of cold winters past, the other of modern wet winters (basically, Californian winters), and one of simple good cheer. Enjoy.

The whole family had been cursed since…
He didn’t want to go out on such a night, but…
He was excited to find 150 new emails in his inbox.

But… since I missed out on my duties yesterday, let today also be about the new Classic Snippet. I know I said I was going to post this yesterday, but honestly, I chickened out because I didn’t want the post to be washed over by the inevitable tide of Star Wars posts on social media. Now, however, I’m ready to dive into Studio Ghibli’s latest masterpiece.

When Marnie Was There


Posted under Reel Snippets, Scribbles of a Ronin

Classic Snippet and more to come…

Fear not Devoted Fans, your weekly Classic Snippet will appear later this eve. The delay will be worth your wait as I am nearing time to view and review… you got it – Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

Posted under Announcements, Reel Snippets

Star Wars Expanded Universe: To Days Gone By

Well, here it is, just in time for a weekly update. The final chapter of the Expanded Universe series, where I look at the current and future affairs of the stories outside the movies in that galaxy far, far away. Take a look and may the Force be with you.

Star Wars Expanded Universe: To Days Gone By

Say, isn’t there something else Star Wars related happening soon…?


Posted under Musings

Reel Snippets of 12-14-15

Today’s theme is movies that premiered directly on Netflix, our newest source of media. The first film we’re looking at delves into the life and times of Rolling Stones legend Keith Richards. The other one comes to us from… Sandler… again… please shoot me…

Keith Richards: Under the Influence
The Ridiculous 6



Posted under Reel Snippets

Scribbles of 10-12-15

Sorry for the delay. I’m celebrating two holidays at once, Christmas and Hanukkah, and I’m learning that there are certain things you’re not supposed to do after certain hours. Then again, I shouldn’t have slacked off on this in the first place. Well, better late than never, so here are my long-awaited Scribbles of a Ronin.

She clung on to the piece of driftwood, praying for daylight
I am delighted by…
What happened to 2015?


Posted under Scribbles of a Ronin

Classic Snippets of 12-10-15

I hate the fact that I have to use “classic” to describe this movie, because the two simply do not belong in the same sentence. It might have worked if it was a kids movie… and had a different script… and had all of Adam Sandler and his Sandlerness removed…



Posted under Reel Snippets

Weekly Update of 12-9-15

All right, let’s talk turkey. There are some HUGE things in the geek world happening right now.

Did you ever see An American Tale? How about The Land Before Time? All Dogs Go To Heaven? Anastasia? The Secret of NIMH? Titan A.E.? Congratulations, your life has been touched by animation legend Don Bluth. Now it’s time to pay back the favor. Right now, Bluth has taken to Indiegogo to crowdfund his latest project: a big screen adaptation of his video game from the 80s, Dragon’s Lair! And it’s all hand-drawn animation! If you like his work and want to support him in his endeavor, follow this link and help bring one of the most godlike animators back into the public eye.


What’s that? Not enough of a dream come true? How about the crowdfunding campaign to help make Psychonauts 2?! Oh yeah, I bet you never thought you’d get a sequel, but it’s happening. If you haven’t heard of Psychonauts, it’s a game made by Tim Schaffer and his company Double Fine Productions that was unique, innovative, and fun. If you can find it on Steam, X-Box LIVE, or the Playstation Network, I highly recommend it. And once you’re done playing it, follow this link and help make the sequel it deserved a reality.


Well, that’s enough joy for me today, because I need to tackle a movie for tomorrow. A bad movie. One that’s practically drowning in bad press, making it a shame not to take on for my year end list. And who better to bring me this awful experience… than Adam Sandler?


Posted under Announcements

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