Fish and Cherries Productions

Creative content from a mad mind.

Archive for March, 2016


Reel Snippets of 3-28-16

Here we are, at the moment of truth. This has been a long time coming, with hope and dread tugging at me from both angles. Now we’ve come to the point where the Ronin judges the Spartan. Ladies and gentlemen… my review of this week’s hottest blockbuster. This Monday night, it’s Batman v. Superman… v. the audience.

Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the first feature length movie of the Internet production studio, Rooster Teeth. But you guys saw my review on Man of Steel… so I know what you’ve all really been waiting for.

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice
Lazer Team


Posted under Reel Snippets

What’s On My Mind on 3-23-16


I am not looking forward to this weekend.

As you all are probably aware, due to the numerous trailers, TV spots, and promotions, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice comes out this Friday. There are two reasons this upsets me. First of all, it is a sequel to Man of Steel and if I haven’t made it clear already, I absolutely loathe that movie. It isn’t just a bad Superman adaptation, altering something that didn’t need to be fixed and warping the character’s core concept, but it’s a pretty awful film in general. Man of Steel can’t convey the simple concepts it wants to present, which results in shoddy characterization and plotting, while it revels in a washed out palette and dreary tone that it mistakes for maturity.

The second reason calls back to one of my posts last year. See, I discovered that DC was abusing a loophole to avoid paying royalties to some of their creators, the last in a long list of immoral and toxic business decisions. I publicly swore a boycott on giving press to any of their products, good or bad. Well, here’s the thing: if I’m going to be taken seriously in the critical world, then I have to break that oath. Refusing a gig on the sole basis of having a grudge against the creator is kind of unprofessional in the critical world. So even though I’d rather do anything else, I will see Batman v. Superman and give an honest review of it, good or bad. People will want to know how it is, so I’m going to give it to them.

Doesn’t mean I have to like doing it, though.


Posted under Announcements

Ronin’s Top 13 Best Movies of 2015

Some may say that I took to long with this list. I say that I was thorough (along with the other problems I’ve been struggling with). But I’ve kept you waiting for too long now. Let’s not waste any more time as we count down…

Ronin’s Top 13 Best Movies of 2015!!!


Posted under Musings, Reel Snippets

What’s On My Mind on 3-16-16

I want to say that these constant lapses in my schedule are ending soon and that everything will be back on track before you know it. But that wouldn’t be the truth.

Here’s the real deal: something inside of me is broken — has been for a few months now — and it’s not getting fixed. I haven’t been sleeping well and none of my usual sedatives are helping. The ability to enjoy even the most basic of things seems to have been switched off like a light. I feel like I’m drowning in a torrent of troubles and different demands and none of my usual life rafts, be it games, books, movies, walks, or friends, can keep me afloat.

I know this isn’t what most people want to hear, but it’s the facts. I can’t even keep to my own schedule most of the time, which doesn’t help matters. At the very least, I want to thank the lot of you for being so patient. I’m sure a lot of you are frustrated with the lack of updates, none more so than me. But please hold on. Hopefully, everything will be resolved soon and things will get back to normal. It’s nothing concrete, but it’s all I’ve got right now.

Posted under Announcements

New Article – Where’s the Fair Use

In lieu of an On My Mind or Scribbles this week to take you through a tumultuous upset and disquiet that has been going around the Internet. Throughout the strife and turbulence, one question has been asked again and again, one that I must now ask…

Where’s the Fair Use?


Posted under Musings

On My Mind – delayed again

So today’s On My Mind turned out to be, er, a bit longer than I had planned. In fact, it’s probably going to be an article. Stay tuned, folks.

Posted under Announcements

Reel Snippets of 3-8-16

Just in time for National Women’s Day is a movie that handles gender politics and prejudices, as well as many other issues, with remarkable ease. All hail the new animal kingdom.



Posted under Reel Snippets

What’s On My Mind – Delayed

Today’s On My Mind will be delayed for at least a day, partially because I have paid work that needs doing, but also because the thing on my mind will probably take a lot longer than I normally allow for.

Posted under Announcements

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