News for the opening of 2014
Hello, all.
Wow, last year kinda sucked for me. I got screwed out of my security deposit, moved into a place where I felt unsafe, experienced heartbreak, heard that the family dog had to be put down, went to a depression support group that actually made things worse, didn’t come out with any videos for the better part of the year, and lost sleep and peace of mind looking for a new place before the new year. But this is looking like it’s going to be a good year; I’ve got a creative writing job with a salary, I’m working on some projects, I’ve got a great new apartment all to myself, and my network of friends, family, and support is backing me for some potent creative works. With that said, there are going to be a few announcements. First of all, I will not be posting v-logs for the immediate future. Twenty minutes of me rambling about a movie isn’t conducive to my time and doesn’t bring in a lot of revenue. Instead, I’m going to be posting short text reviews about movies which I will call Reel Snippets. They’ll take a lot less time to make and it will hopefully draw more interest, since I’m not asking you to spend a long time watching me get to the point. There’s a backlog of these on my Facebook, so be prepared for a flood of posts. Second, you’re going to be seeing a lot more writing pieces up here (since that’s my job and I’ll be able to share some of my stuff here), however, this won’t be the first place you’ll find some of them. Websites won’t take pieces if they are not the first place they get posted, so they’ll appear there first. However, this is going to be the main hub of my work. I’ll update you as to whether the 2012 story will be posted here in the future, since it may need to follow the same rules to be published, even though it’ll have to go through a lot of edits. Third, while I still want to do videos, especially Ronin’s Rants, my time to do them is going to be limited. You see, this is the first time that I’m working a full-time job, so I don’t have the free time that I used to. If the video involves social justice in some way (that’s part of the criteria of the job I have), then I can use work time for it, but I don’t know if that’ll happen anytime soon. Still though, there’s new things coming, that’s for sure. And now I don’t have to worry about anyone in my house snapping and threatening me with assault if something’s not to their liking. Anyway, that’s my big opening announcement for 2014. Fish and Cherries Productions is certainly not dead and I’m looking forward to this year. Stay tuned! Posted under Announcements |
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