Fish and Cherries Productions

Creative content from a mad mind.


Reel Snippet – The Do-Over


Synopsis: David Spade is a loser…

…sorry, freudian slip.

Charlie McMillan (David Spade) is a loser who constantly gets cut down by his wife and her kids and works a dead end job. That all changes when he reconnects with an old high school friend named Max Kessler (Adam Sandler), a guy who takes life by the horns no matter what, and the two take a day of wildness and freedom… that ends with Kessler faking both of their deaths. Taking the identities of two recently deceased people, they find that their new identities have a lot of money and a fancy house in Puerto Rico, but also some skeletons in the closet as they now find themselves the target of assassins. It’s up to them to uncover the mystery of their new identities and untangle a conspiracy involving hitmen, beautiful women, and a cure for cancer.

Review: The Do-Over is one of Sandler’s least offensive movies of late, but that’s where the praise ends. The entire experience of watching this movie can be replicated by watching paint dry on a blisteringly hot day with a fly occasionally buzzing around your head and making you angry. Sure, some of these ideas may have some potential and could work in other, better movies. But they all fall flat here because — and I know this is totally going to shock you — Sandler and Spade are not very good actors. They have neither the range or the depth to pull off either the dramatic or humorous scenes.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Happy Madison film if there weren’t some unfortunate implications and a fair share of lowbrow humor. Oooooh, naked 80-year-old women! Bulging Mexican penis hanging over our characters’ faces! Adam Sandler’s giving oral sex to his fingers! Isn’t that funny?! Wait, this is an R-rated movie? There are no 13-year-olds in the audience? Whoops… Yeah, it all seems out of place when put alongside an attempt at a serious cancer plot. Say what you will about Sandler, but in the past he has been able to hold a juvenile audience’s attention with his funny voices and comedic timing. But there’s none of that here. Oh, there’s one genuine laugh that I didn’t feel dirty about after, which is a first in a decade. But other than that, the movie offered nothing. Sandler’s latest movies may not have been funny, but they could at least hold your attention with how bad or offensive the content was. This movie couldn’t even do that and hit a new low for Sandler movies: being straight up boring. A one hour and forty minute nothing.

Fun Tidbit: Apparently there’s some type of bleed from a parallel universal going on because there is an actual, living person in New York City named Max Kessler who bears a scary resemblance to Adam Sandler. The real life Kessler was invited to the premiere of the movie.

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