Fish and Cherries Productions

Creative content from a mad mind.


Reel Snippet – The Walk


The Walk was a wonderful entry in the resume of Robert Zemechis, who directed some of my favorite films, including the Back to the Future trilogy, Forrest Gump, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Throughout the movie, what sticks out to me was how it uses cinematography in a very unique way, breaking the fourth wall in a narrative and visual sense. It gives a sense of whimsy and mysticism to this man’s journey to wire-walk between the World Trade Center towers. Helping this is the music, which draws from both French stylings, calling to the character’s origins, and energetic jazz, giving the whole thing a sense of class. The acting is phenomenal; I don’t know how true to life Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s French accent is, but he brings a superb amount of energy and earnest passion to make him believable.

The ending is something truly magical. I have never before come across a sequence that was so serene and yet so anxiety-inducing. I legitimately didn’t know what was going to happen because I didn’t remember how the real story ended, so the film jerking me around was a huge wrecking of my nerves. By the end of the scene, I felt like I needed a paper bag to breathe into. Suffice to say, this comes with a high recommendation. I don’t know how to fully convey how this film transports the viewer into a state of wonder, but I imagine that it’s like a wire walker, captivating the audience in a state of mesmerized excitement as it makes its way to the end.

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