Fish and Cherries Productions

Creative content from a mad mind.


Reel Snippet – Witness


Witness is an interesting time capsule of a movie, showcasing the genesis of a lot of tried and true directing techniques. It also goes to show doubters that Harrison Ford has acting chops beyond Han Solo and Indiana Jones, so it’s definitely one to show them. Normally, I’m not a fan of 80s synthesizer tracks, but here it gives off a sort of mystic quality, especially when played over the Amish setting. Best of all, neither Ford’s city character or the Amish are portrayed as wrong in this culture clash story, nor is it the kind of Ferngully or Dances With Wolves story where one saves the other from ignorance. Suffice to say, it’s shown in many directing and filmmaking classes for a reason, so you can definitely call this a classic.

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