Archive for June, 2015
Reel Snippets of 6-29-15
Schedule Update
Reel Snippets – Every Monday
It’s fitting that my most common post comes out weekly now. Since Friday is when new movies come out and my editing process takes about a day, that gives me a nice weekend turnaround to get a Snippet (or a few) ready for Monday. That way, you guys can know my opinion on the movie after the first weekend. Some people would argue that things would be better if I put these out every Friday. Well, truth be told, I don’t have the resources to get so much out on Friday (since I plan on multiple reviews coming out on occasion) or access to early screenings. But I’m trying to make up for it by getting them out as early in the workweek as possible.
Ronin Reads – The Last Thursday of Every Month
If I could get most than one of these out in a month, I would. But I put a lot more analysis in the Ronin Reads and reading an entire novel or comic volume is pretty time consuming. It feels like a nice closer for the month to me.
Musings – Unknown
Musings are tricky for me to schedule because they aren’t like my other works. I never know what’s going to inspire me to write one of these and I don’t want to wind up writing one that says absolutely nothing, like I’ve seen a lot of other online personalities do. I’ll leave these open to change for now, but check back for an update after I post the latest one next week.
Podcasts – Sunday… maybe
Okay, I’ll admit it, we’re really slow in editing the podcasts and have two in the backlog that we recorded before the E3 one. We’d love to get into a system where we record it, edit it in one day, and post it, but we’re not there yet. Also, the podcasts haven’t been catching as much fire as I would have hoped, but persistence might be the key.
That’s all for the schedule. In the future, there will of course be updates as things change, but for the moment we’ll see how the works Thanks for bearing with me and I’ll see you next time.
Posted under AnnouncementsTriple Feature Thursday
Now let’s follow that up with my newest Ronin Reads on an obscure comic. One day, I’ll do an actual prose story…
The schedule will be posted this Friday. But in case you crave more content between then and now… how about our E3 podcast? Guess this isn’t a triple feature anymore! Accolades all around!
Posted under Announcements, Podcast, Reel Snippets, Ronin ReadsReel Snippet – Kung Fury
Reel Snippet – Jupiter Ascending
But the biggest crime of this movie is how it takes Eddie Redmayne and puts him in an absolutely thankless role. He won an Academy Award for playing Stephen Hawking, but here his performance alternates between a poor man’s Marlon Brando and a screeching rooster. It would be bad enough to leave it at that, but then there’s the gender politics that go belly-up in this supposedly women empowerment film. I said back in another Snippet that I don’t consider the Bechtel Test a show of real feminism and this film is living proof. Despite it passing the test, Jupiter constantly gets kidnapped and needs saving to move the plot forward. That really sums up the experience, as I feel like I was getting abducted from reality against my will and forced to watch this dross. If anyone likes this movie, I won’t hold it against them, but I personally want to bundle up all my memories of this film and fire them into a black hole.
Posted under Reel SnippetsAnd here I thought DC couldn’t sink any lower…
I’m no fan of underpaying creators or throwing the ever insulting “do it for exposure and be happy” at them, but outright cheating them out of their money is completely despicable. I choose to stand by my decision to boycott DC’s comics and movies and encourage you all to do the same. Also, I will not be covering any more of their animated movies in my Reel Snippets. It may not be much of a hit to their exposure, but at least it will be a weight off my conscience. The Outhousers don’t always have the best satire, but this isn’t satire. This is a call to action, one that needs to be answered.
Creators deserve better.
YOU deserve better.
Posted under Uncategorized